Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Behaviorism Types, History, and Today - 2278 Words
Behaviorism is one of the many schools of psychology and it has one main overall focus. The main overall focus is it studies how a human behaves and is supposed to behave in order to detect human behavior discrepancies. As a behaviorist view, everything you see has a set behavior and should perform a certain, similar to robots. Watson stated that ââ¬Å"psychology as a behaviorist views it is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is â⬠¦ prediction and controlâ⬠(1913, p.158). A more in depth perspective it is that they also believe people have no free will and that there environment dictates how they will behave. They all believed in the term ââ¬Å"tabula rasaâ⬠also known as the state of mind being blank whenâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Classical conditioning is a type of learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another. Classical conditioning is also referred to as Pavlovian conditioning or respondent conditioning. Pavlovââ¬â¢s experiment consist of a dog, food, and a neutral stimulus tone of C. The way he did it in his first demonstration was he showed the dog the food and the dog salivated. He then took the food away and gave the dog a neutral tone of C; the dog did not salivate. This was before classical conditioning and this mean the dog was accustom to his own reaction of how he behaved. During Classical conditioning though he presented the food to the dog with a neutral tone of C and the dog salivated. We ll if you do this several times you will get the dog to salivate without the food by just giving him a neutral tone of C. Therefore this creates the dogââ¬â¢s old behavior to go under extinction and be replaced with a new behavior. John B. Watson (1878-1958) was the next of the men to conduct behaviorist style experiments. In 1919, Watson and his assistant, Rosalie Rayner, conducted a study to prove that fear could be classically conditioned. The subject of the study, known as Little Albert, was an emotionally stable 11-month-old infant. The experiments he began with this kid that he struck a piece of metal with a hammer to leave aShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Research and Statistics in the Field of Psychology1359 Words à |à 6 PagesJohn B. Watson work on classical behaviorism that paved the way for B. F. Skinners radical or operant behaviorism which has had a large impact on educational systems. Watson was one of the influential psychologists of the twentieth century. His material is still used in most psychology and educational psychology texts. Watson helped with defining the study of behavior anticipated Skinners emphasis on operant conditioning and the importance of learning and environmental influencesRead MoreOrigins of Behaviorism Essay1714 Words à |à 7 PagesOrigins of Behaviorism Behaviourism originated with the work of John B. Watson from 1913. BehaviourismRead MoreBehaviorism Was A Slow Revolution1604 Words à |à 7 PagesBehaviorism was a slow revolution that proved to become a popular study within psychology that lasted through the second decade of the twentieth century and through the beginning of the cognitive science revolution (Behjamin, 2014). During this time, there had been a vast amount of academic individuals that contributed to the multifaceted studies within the context of behaviorism. Many of the studies within this movement were based on the concept that all behaviors are the result of conditioningRead MoreJohn B. Watson s Theory Of Psychology1266 Words à |à 6 Pagesestablished the school of Behaviorism and inspired many other psychologists to study patterns of human behavior and their mechanisms. Watson s contribution to psychology is important not to underestimate; he studied animal and human behavior to come up with a methodology that would give Psychology a respected status among other scientific disciplines. This essay will focus on the biography and works of John B. Watson with a purpose to show why his works are important for Psychology today(Hergenhahn HenleyRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1018 Words à |à 5 PagesIntroduction When we talk about the history of psychology is common to talk about the psychological schools, as these are defined as groups of psychologists who shared a theoretical view and focused psychological problems with a common orientation; these have evolved over time. Psychology was first established as a separate science of biology and philosophy, that s when the real debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began start, different psychological schools representRead MoreB.F. Skinners Contribution to Psychology1488 Words à |à 6 PagesB.F. Skinnerââ¬â¢s Contribution to Modern Psychology Ian K. Connelly Oklahoma State University B.F. Skinnerââ¬â¢s Contribution to Modern Psychology As I began to study the history and beginning of psychology there was one man who stood out to me clearly as a powerful force of influence and contributor to the direction psychology has taken in its still very young life. What does it mean to be a major influential contributor to the science of psychology? This man shows us with his groundbreaking theoriesRead MoreKohlers Theories: A Comparative Analysis to Freuds Approach and Contemporary Relevance795 Words à |à 3 PagesContemporary Relevance. Kohler was the father of insight psychology and seemingly one of the precursors of behaviorism. He concluded that learning is a trial-and error process that depends on rewards and punishments. Kohler learned this form his studies with chimps and other animals such s dogs and cats, where, he showed that through insight behavior animals learned how to achieve their goals and which types of conduct to avoid (Hothersall , 1995). His first experiment was to place food at the other sideRead MoreJohn Broadus Watson : An Experimental Study On The Psychical Development Of The White Rat1622 Words à |à 7 PagesJohn Broadus Watson, the father of Behaviorism, was born in South Carolina on January 9, 1878 to Emma and Pickens Watson. John grew up in a mixed up household, his father was a known drinker while his mother was a devout Christian. Although he took after his father and got himself into some trouble growing up, he managed to gain admission to Furman College at age sixteen. Upon graduation from Furman, one of Johnââ¬â¢s professors turned mentor Gordon Moore helped him make the next step, and the followingRead MoreTheory Analysis of the Experiments of Kohler743 Words à |à 3 PagesKohler was the father of insight psychology and seemingly one of the precursors of behaviorism. He concluded that learning is a trial-and error process that depends on rewards and punishments. Kohler learned this form his s tudies with chimps and other animals such s dogs and cats, where, he showed that through insight behavior animals learned how to achieve their goals and which types of conduct to avoid (Hothersall , 1995). His first experiment was to place food at the other side of a barrier. TheRead MoreThe Theory of Behaviorism900 Words à |à 4 Pagesmental and emotional processesâ⬠(Press, 2013). In retort to this theory behaviorism came about. Behaviorism is predominantly concerned with observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. In other words behaviorism does not look at the biological aspects but it suggests that all behaviors are learned habits and changes in response to the environment. It endeavors to explain how these particular habits are formed. Behaviorism claimed that the causes of behavior was not necessarily found in the complexities
Monday, May 18, 2020
Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay - 2889 Words
Movement and Stasis : The use of dynamics in the Divine Comedy Movement is a crucial theme of the Divine Comedy. From the outset, we are confronted with the physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so ben ridir comio ventrai. Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid-life crisis, but it is physically represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may seem far too simple and obvious to be worthy of comment. However, I would argue that it is from this primary exampleâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The first passage is probably the most famous in the whole work, that of Francesca da Rimini, in Canto V of the Inferno . Condemned for her inconstancy, that is to say her lust, Francesca is contained in the eternal whirlwind of the `bufera infernale, alongside her lover, Paolo. In a c lear parallel to her sin, she is buffeted by the inconstant wind. Although unceasing, the wind changes direction and force, a movement which is mirrored by the language used to describe it: Di qua, di l#224;, di gi#249;, di su li mena; nulla speranza li conforta mai, non che di posa, ma minor pena. (43-45, Canto V, Inf.) In addition to the basic rhyme of the terza rima, the internal rhyme is carefully manipulated to imitate phonologically the swirling of the wind. By balancing the repeated [a] of `di qua, di la with the [u:] of the `di gi#249;, di su, Dante is able to mimic the up and down movement of the air. Francesca, then, is an extremely `mobile sinner. Although pausing to speak to Dante (the significance of which will be later discussed), she is compelled to move - indeed, it is an integral part of her punishment. This compulsion is significant. Through rejecting a life of constancy on earth, whether willingly or otherwise, Francesca has sacrificed the free will she was allowed to exert on her body. Having lost control of herself in life she is plunged into the chaos of the `bufera. Her punishment then, is not merely anShow MoreRelated Aesthetics Of Aging Essay3909 Words à |à 16 Pageschapter in an unpublished manuscript devoted to photography, aging, and subject construction, entitled Touching Surfaces: Photography and the Fabric of the Subject, in Time 1 This Dante fragment coming from Charles Singletonââ¬â¢s prose version of the Comedy seems to me evocative of the à « misty à » visual effect in Tennesonââ¬â¢s photographs, and also of her placing the lens of the camera much like a mole through the skin, to look at the human body from an interstice, as it were, between the inside and theRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words à |à 116 Pagesthe representation of characters in action, though as we will see the action involved can be internal and psychological as well as external and physical. In order for a plot to begin, some kind of catalyst is necessary. An existing equilibrium or stasis must be broken that will generate a sequence of events, provide direction to the plot, and focus the attention of the reader. Most plots originate in some significant conflict. The conflict may be either external, when the protagonist (also referred
Monday, May 11, 2020
Key Concepts Of A Successful Startup - 2402 Words
You need three things to create a successful startup Introduction This paper seeks to enlighten certain features of entrepreneurship on the basis of the following statement:ââ¬Å"You need three things to create a successful startup: to start with good people, to make something customers actually want, and to spend as little money as possible.â⬠ââ¬â¢ Paul Graham An initial definition of key concepts will be followed by a thorough analysis that will include a variety of relevant topics which will lead up to a discussion on the thesis statement. Finally, I will state my own opinion on the statement of Paul Graham based on the findings in this paper. To fully understand and comprehend the above statement in order to analyze and discuss whether it isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦To define what as little money as possible is, I need to look at studies of successful companies, and if they needed capital to start, how much money was nessary to expand their business, did they need external capital to expand, and if their is some correlation between how much money companies spend and how much revenue they are generating. In order to arrive at a good and precise conclusion this paper seeks to answer a number of questions. Can you really define what caractaristics good people have. How can you know if people want the product you have. If you spend as little money as possible, you create a scarcity mindset, which can inhibit growth in the company, so how do you make sure you are not spending to little money. Analasis Good people To determine what makes a good entrepreneur, I look at a study, which is based on +100 individual studies, which looks at the following parameters for the success of the business: Age, gender, ethnicity, education, prior sector experince, prior managirial experience, prior business experience and partners. Age: Young people bring a lot of enthusiasm and energy and are willing to work hard, but is lacking experience. On the other side, older people tend to have more experience and more capital, but often lack the energy and enthusiasm. The study concludes that the best age is the prime age (30-40 year old), because this group both has energy, capital and experince. This is not so easy to make a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparison Between Karl Marx And Emile Durkheim - 1501 Words
Name: Crystal Henrick FL6132 Compare and contrast the various early European urban theorists as found in Chapter 1 of the course text. (300-400 words) The two theorists iââ¬â¢ve decided to compare and contrast are Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim. Firstly iââ¬â¢ll compare them to one another. From all the readings I did and past education on these individuals I found they have a lot of the same views in regards to religion. Both Emlie Durkheim and Karl Marx believe that religion is a projection of mans hopes and desires. They both also agree that religion plays a powerful role in influencing the members of a society. While coming up with these theories they were both more concerned with the human rather than the religion. Both of them did not believe in a god or gods. Itââ¬â¢s been said that Marx saw god as idealization of human nature while Durkheim believed the idea of a god was society itself. They were not religious people so itââ¬â¢s interesting that they did have some of the same views and theories regarding religion in the society. The differences between them are pretty simple. As I was previously comparing their views on religion I can continue that with talking about their differences in regards to religion, Marx argues that religion oppresses the people in the society while Durkheim argues that religion unites the society. Further; Emile Durkheim was a Functionalist, meaning he looked at society in a scientific way. He believed that members of the same society all wanted the sameShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Marx, Weber, and Durkheims Views Essay1223 Words à |à 5 PagesThe sociological views ofà the three founding fathers; Karl Marx,à Max Weber, andà Emile Durkheimà all assert that various aspects of our lifestyle are fully a product of the society in which we live. Each theorist views the impact of society and its manifestation of our identity in a different way. All three of these men used the Industrial Revolutionà and capitalism to shape their theories of social identity, especially the ident ity created by capitalisms division of labor; the owners of the meansRead MoreCompare and Contrast Marxââ¬â¢s Idea of Class and Durkheimââ¬â¢s Division of Labour?1641 Words à |à 7 PagesSociologist Emile Durkheim and the German philosopher Karl Marx. Then it will give a brief discussion showing the transformation that took place from feudalism to capitalism, providing the reader with an insight into the dramatic change that took place during a time of revolution and revolt. Finally the essay will compare and contrast Marxââ¬â¢s idea of class and class conflict with Durkheimââ¬â¢s theory on the Division of labour. The Functionalist perspective is more commonly linked to the sociologist Emile DurkheimRead MoreA Comparison of Marx and Durkheim1217 Words à |à 5 PagesA Comparison of Marx and Durkheim s Theories of the Structure of Modern Society Introductory Essay: Marx and Durkheim There was once a time when the societies of the world were nothing more than a ruling class and a class that was ruled. In these feudal societies classes were set. There was little chance for a member of the ruling bourgeoisie class to cross over to the oppressed proletariat class or from the proletariat class to the bourgeoisie class. Every individual within each classRead MoreKarl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim offered differing perspectives on the role of religion. Choose the theorist whose insights you prefer and theorists views over the others.991 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim offered differing perspectives on the role of religion. Choose the theorist whose insights you prefer and outline how they perceived religion operating socially. Discuss why you chose your preferred theorists views over the others. Marx, Durkheim and Weber each had different sociological views of the role and function of Religion. My preferred theorists viewââ¬â¢s on Religion is Karl Marxââ¬â¢s as I feel his ideas are more relevantRead MoreClassical Sociological Theorist Past1044 Words à |à 5 Pageswill come after the other. Donââ¬â¢t fall asleep or they ll poke you with their sticks (wink). Be careful and good luck. 11:00 pm Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Well hello Barrack, I see you have made some poor choices when it comes to the stocks, do you not remember anything from economics boy! You should know my name but I just love to say my name all the time, I am Karl Marx and this is my partner Friedrich Engels and we are here tonight to help you out. We will be giving you tips on how to improveRead MoreSociology1391 Words à |à 6 PagesSociety I. Society. Society refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share culture. This chapter explores four important theoretical views explaining the nature of human societies, focusing on the work of Gerhard Lenski, Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. II. Gerhard Lenski: Society and Technology. Gerhard Lenski (Nolan Lenski, 2010) focuses on sociocultural evolution, the changes that occur as a society acquires new technology. According to Lenski, the more technological informationRead MoreAlienation And Individualism : The Social Structures Through Industrialization And The Division Of Labour1567 Words à |à 7 Pageslabour. Both Marx and Durkheimââ¬â¢s theories emphasize the relationships between people in society and how this impacts on separateness and individualism within it; however, both theories are different. Where Marx is concerned he focuses on being alienated as a result of materialized matter through the bourgeoisie alienating oneself from culture, for Durkheim anomie is due to the lack of a collective conscience within society preventing both regulation and integration of culture; for Durkheim this negativelyRead MoreMarx and Durkheimââ¬â¢s View on the Benefits and Dangers of Modern Capitalism1991 Words à |à 8 PagesIntroduction Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Ãâ°mile Durkheim (1858-1917) were sociologists who both existed throughout similar time periods of the 19th and early 20th centuries, resulting in both Marx, and Durkheim to be concerned about similar effects and impacts among society (Appelrouth and Edles: 20, 77). Marxââ¬â¢s main focus was on class distinctions among the bourgeoisie and proletariat, forces and relations of production, capital, surplus value, alienation, labour theory of value, exploitation and classRead MoreSchool Violence Essay2314 Words à |à 10 Pages INTRODUCTION Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim are some of the founding fathers in the Sociological discipline. Each developing the discipline in their respective area, contributed to the social science course becoming what it is today. Durkheim the man who coined the term social facts and some sociological theories on functionalism, division of labour in society, education and social solidarity, methodology, positivism and sociology, primitive classification, religion and suicide. Durkhiem believe thatRead MoreSociology and Emile Durkheim2640 Words à |à 11 PagesCompare and contrast the theories and methods of Emile Durkheim and Max Weber regarding social behavior. 1.Introduction Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are founding fathers of sociology and outstanding sociologists who made great contributions to the development of sociology and progress of human beings. Previous studies have been done about the theories and methods of Durkheim and Weber, and their works have also been studied for many times from different viewpoints, such as the nature of human
Algurashi Company Free Essays
Designing and Planning are two factors that exist before a project comes into operation. Since the two processes are subject to the object we design or plan, it is clear that the specific guidelines may vary in reality. For example, people who intend to build a bridge might have different tools and requirement then ones who intend to build a theatre. We will write a custom essay sample on Algurashi Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hence, in construction management, the requirement for tendering a project is different from others. There are many particular products in construction management such as roads, offices, apartments, hotels, factories, and houses. Meanwhile, the activities in the industry involve building a completely new structure or merely modifications of existing ones. Concerning the construction business, this paper will discuss about the application of a concept to the start-up of a construction and/or real estate development company. This paper acts as a preliminary proposal for starting new construction company, named Algurashi Company. 2. Segment(s) of construction industry The development of economy has increased the demands for many kinds of buildings to fulfill retail and corporate customers. However, in general, there are three major segments in construction business; they are general contractors or building contractors that build various kinds of building such as industrial, residential/homes, and commercial buildings (U. S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005). Second type of contractors is civil engineering contractors. They duty involves the development and build of bridges, roads, sewers, and highways, to name a few. The Third type is special trade contractors. This contractor conducts activities that occurs during the construction activities such as electrical set up and installation, plumbing, painting etcetera (U. S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005). Concerning type of contractors, Algurashi Company is a construction company that acts as a general contractor especially serving the residential/homes buildings. The reason of this choice is because the number of residential building grows at faster rate than commercial buildings and customers may change or perform home renovation several times to fulfill their needs. 3. Phases of the development process The most interesting part in conducting residential construction industry is the products are heavily customized and thus it will give Algurashi Company many experience of dealing with different kind of customers and home designs. Therefore, Algurashi Company will be a general contractor that both design and build residential buildings. However, in the first step, Algurashi Company will focus on building residential building and works with several home designers (architects). At the next stage, the company may obtain some qualified architects to join the company to provide or more complete services to customers. Since greater revenue comes from providing services to customers/home owners, at later stage, when Algurashi Company has developed housing that composes of teens or hundreds houses or apartments, the company may become the property management as well that provides the company with monthly revenue. However, during the development process, Algurashi Company must carefully take their steps in developing their business especially concerning the financing scheme to fund the companyââ¬â¢s operation. Another challenging step for start-ups is to gather a sum of money to fund their operational cost as well as the capital expenditure. If entrepreneurs develop start-ups with valuable experience in conducting business in other firm, it is just the matter of creating a good business proposal to attract investors. There are various source of funding available for start-ups such as personal saving, family members, banksââ¬â¢ loan, and venture capitalists. Personal saving is the least risky way since it does not provide any interest. While venture capitalist is a professional investors who may be in charge of a large pool of capital gathered from a range of sources (Isidro, 2004). 4. Type of company formation Since construction business requires a huge amount of money, Algurashi Company would be better to set up joint ventures with other company. By definition, joint venture is a contractual agreement between two or more companies to form a new company aims at executing a particular business undertaking. In this business model, all signed parties commit to share in the profits and losses of the company (WebFinance, 2005). There are at least three benefits of forming a joint venture as a way to expanding business and grab new opportunities as following: ? Providing the new company (joint venture) with opportunity to grab new capacity and expertise ? Allowing the new company to explore business opportunities in new geographic market or obtain new technological knowledge ? Offering the new company with creative ways of doing business out of core competence (Kotelnikov, 2001) 5. Organization chart/duties Following figure is the organization structure for the Algurashi Company. This proposed organization takes into account strengths and benefits of possible joint venture in the future in order to perform well in the new company. Reference: Isidro, Isabel M. (2003). How to Raise Money to Start a Business. PowerHomeBiz. com. Retrieved September 28, 2007 from http://www. powerhomebiz. com/vol8/HowtoRaise. htm Kotelnikov, Vadim. (2001). Joint Ventures (JVs). Retrieved September 28, 2007 from http://www. 1000ventures. com/business_guide/jv_main. html U. S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2005). Construction. Retrieved September 28, 2007 from http://www. bls. gov/oco/cg/cgs003. htm WebFinance. (2005). Joint Venture. Retrieved September 28, 2007 from http://www. investorwords. com/2671/joint_venture. html How to cite Algurashi Company, Papers
Human Service Work Management
Question: Write an Eassay on A framework for understanding human service work? Answer: Introduction The human service work are of several different domains as well as the human service worker are practiced in several different fields. The human service has several different type of work; all of them are for the improvement of the society. Some human service worker are working with the individuals, some are working in a groups. Some work for the social policy. Human service is one of the imperative fields of the service sector and has immense impact on the society. Human service plays a vital role in improving the society. Few social workers work with families and in partnerships (Barker, 2003). Some work with community some of the social workers are engaged research and evaluation. Some social workers are engaged in rural and privileged child education and training. In this way the in different framework the social service worker, provide their valuable service to the society. The social worker works in several different fields of practice such as some work in health sector, some w ork for the patients who are suffering from mental health problem. Few of the social service workers work with child protection and juvenile justice. Some work with disable people some work with the older peoples. Few of the social worker works in rural and remote areas some work for income security and employment service. Some work with youths for the enhancement of their moral and social health as well as for enhancing their employability (Doel and Best, 2008). Some are working for preventing the misuse of the substances. Beside this, the social worker work for disaster management and environmental sustainability. Main body part Domain of practice There are several diseases which spreading in the societies such as obesity, diabetes and cancer. In these dreadful diseases, several the people of the community are suffering from this disease. The human service is one of the important aspects, which has a great impact on peoples lives. The welfare of the people should on top of the priority as it enables the people to maintain high standards of living and keeps the people fit healthy. Thus, the service work should be, served for the humanity so that the community can grow up to the mark. The social workers are contributing their valuable service to the several different areas such as individual work, group work, and work for social policy, community work and education and training of the rural privileged child. Some of the social workers working with the families and some work in partnership. Some work in the field of research and education. The social workers, who works with the individuals work for the individuals specific proble m such as some of the individual are in very poor mental stage or the old disable people who do not have any helping hand the social worker help them. Some people are working in a group they work in community to develop the community health. From the entire activities of the social workers, the most appealing work of the social worker in my point of view is the community health (Lupica, 2006). The human service worker spreading awareness among the people about theses dreadful disease for the actual foods habits which prevent obesity, diabetes and cancer. They train the people about the healthy life style, which support them in preventing these dreadful diseases (Martin, Rosen and Sparacino, 2000). The social workers spread leaflet, which consisting of the list of healthy foods and life styles the exercises that help to reduce or eliminating the dreadful diseases. The community health is the most significant aspects of the social field and in my point of view, most of the stress shou ld be given in this specific field. In my point of view, community work is very essential because it associated with the overall development of the community. In a community, there can be several types of people, who need help. Some are poor; some are suffering from acute disease, illiteracy. There are many children, who are not getting proper education. The human service workers help them to improve their life. Several human service workers are engaged in this particular field. Field of practice The organization promotes the rights of the people in the sectors of health. The organizations of human services provides coverage of health care to more than 150 million people through Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance program, and other health services. Human service workers and organizations works in the field of health sector. Human service worker provides meals to the homeless people; gift of handmade blanket to the patients in the health centers, counseling to the one who is recovering from the addiction of drugs. They find mentors for the teenagers and ride to doctor for an elder one (Crawford, 2006). The service of the organization provides the people with the needs to survive and safety to the patients. The human service sector speaks on behalf of the people those who are afflicted with the AIDS; those who are affected by violence; victims of sexual assault; families and children; the hungry and homeless. The human service worker represents the sets of quality services to the health centers all over the world and manages the department of service (Crimando and Riggar, 2005). Promoting the safety of patients and health care quality in the health cares by assuring security, safety, vaccines, drugs and effectiveness. Managing and preventing the impacts of chronic and infectious diseases which include disability, disease and death (Dollard, Winefield and Winefield, 2001). Improving the health of infant and maternal and promoting the safety and health development of youth and children. The human service conducts public health and health with large source of funding for the researches on medical in the world. The health sector is the most significant in my point of view as the health is the wealth. Without proper health, the people cannot do anything properly. The people, who are suffering from some acute disease, are mostly suffering from frustration that leads them to committing suicide. Therefore, they need more attention the human service workers provides great emphasis on this field. Role of human service worker The human service worker foremost and first helps the human beings and desire of improving the community. People should understand their roles as well as their duties towards the community and the society. The other qualities of human services workers include strong sense for interpersonal boundaries, compassion, excellence communication skills, and professionalism patience. The human service worker applied to variety of profession variety of agencies and setting. The human service workers workplace includes halfway houses, department human services, judicial system, correctional institution, disability services, school system, disability and aging services, family and adult services, drug and alcohol rehabilitation organizations (France, Weikel and Kish, 2006). Human services worker imposes vital impact on the society depending on the sector has their workplace on the families, individuals and the entire community. The human resource workers impose impact on the lives of the childre n reducing the truancy and increasing the test score. A health care sector helps the adult and children dealing with the hardships with the chronic health condition and aid in families understanding the adjustments and navigating the system of health care. The impact of human services workers are felt through the society from the elder care, public policy planning, health care, education and criminal justice. The human services worker plays a vital role in the society and makes the community more efficient, safe place and healthier to live and work (Hasenfeld, 2010). Human service worker have several path in terms of education for preparing the workforce. The degree includes human service are human service leadership, human service, sociology, psychology and social work. Human services workers play a important role in each and every sector of health service. Several NGO and government health organizations are engaging in this field so that the worker involve with theses NGO as well as government organization work in this field. They got proper training and motivation before they start their job. The people, who inspired and motivated to provide services to the poor, suffered people are working in this field. Types of human service organization There are various types of organizations in the market and there are organizations dealing with the services for human well being too (Blevins, 2015). To achieve the goals of human services an organization is, needed to be, formed. The human service sector is broad and needs good knowledge, skills and disciplines for enhancing the work of the organization of human well being in respect of both the individual and in a group or community. Aim of these organizations is to manage the human welfare of the society or a country. There are three types of organizations dealing with these kinds of services. Non Profit Organizations- Commonly known as NGOs is the organization formed in order to fulfill the goals and aims of the organization making the organization run without any profit motive. The capital of these organizations are collected through funds from the donors and grants with a view to help the organization and make a service free to the needy people. The organizations structure is of like and sometimes may be within the private organizations (Candler and Dumont, 2010). The private organization calls that non-profit sector of their business as the welfare society making gestures to help the people needs free treatments and medicines. These services are the activities helping the society to upgrade. The private sector- Apart from the non-profit organizations there are organizations formed with rending the services but with profit motive. The private sectors offer services like; counseling for children, health care agencies, mental health practices, etc. the do take charge for the services they provide and are target oriented (, 2015). The public sector- These sectors generally operated by the government of any country. As the operations are in the governments hands, the availability of the resources becomes easy and the work can be, carried in a broader prospect compared to the NGOs (Managing the non-profit organization, 1992). The needs of the people The organization should look for the need of the people of the country or the society in order to bring motivation in the people and improve the condition of the people. The organization should analyze the gap in the society and make strategies to fill the gap making the people upgrade themselves and improve the standard of living (People In Aid, 2015). The organization rendering the free services to the people of any country or society aims in approaching to people and make a difference in their lives. Take them out of the suffering they are into and provide them a better future. The only thing needed for these organizations to run is motivation. The services are like; education, awareness of personal hygiene, awareness of population control, etc. Require value, knowledge and skill to work in that particular area of human service need Skills, knowledge and proper amount of training are some of the basic aspects that help to develop a proper community that can make people fit and healthy. The utilization and execution of the skills and the labor should maintain an alignment between them for the proper development of the community. The human service workers should have high moral value with the adequate urge to do the job within the needy people. They should have adequate knowledge of the needs of the poor people, the diseases their mental health problem and the process to help the needy people to sort out their problem. They must have effective communication skill, so that they can communicate the people efficiently (Pembroke, 2004). They must have computer knowledge so that they can record their daily activities in computer and then effectively communicate and coordinate with the related peoples. They should have adequate knowledge of effective communication process such as verbal and non-verbal communication. In verbal communication, effective choices of word provide their speech extra power so that they can affect a lot. Their voice tone must be good and pronunciation must be clear and audible so that each and every single person understand their word their speech(Pierson and Thomas, 2010). Their coordination power and management power must be excellent so that they efficiently control their entire activities with the needy peoples. They should have adequate knowledge of the community people their faith and beliefs, their religion, the community peoples social status all are matter. They must have adequate knowledge of the dreadful disease and their remedies so that they can help the needy peoples. The effective foods habits and the healthy life styles, which help the respective patients in recovering from the deadly disease should be knew to the human service peoples (Kadushin and Harkness, 2002). With all the knowledge and acumen the human service people are efficiently provide the valua ble service to the needy people. Conclusion Human service worker is generic term for the people with different job titles, such as the case management aide, social service assistant, residential counselor, social work assistance, drug or alcohol abuse persons, community support worker, child care worker, mental health technician, life skill, community workers and gerontology aide. The human service worker works in wide variety of fields including psychiatry, nursing, rehabilitation, psychology and social work. Human service workers provide indirect and direct client services. The accessing of clients needs establishing the benefits and services for the clients (Mehr and Kanwischer, 2008). They also examine the financial documents such as the tax returns, rent receipts in determining whether the peoples are eligible for the food stamp, welfare, Medicaid, and other human service program. The organization also arranges escort and transportation, and also provides emotional supports. They also keep ad monitors the records of the c lients and progress report to the supervisors. The human service workers also accompany and transport clients to the group meals sites, doctors office, adult care program, visiting the homes of client and making sure services to be received. Human services worker also provides facilities like rehabilitation programs, psychiatric hospital and the outpatient clinics. The human resource worker focuses on the issues such as the family services, poverty, and legal assistance, youth development and employment (Schriver, 2011). 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