Saturday, November 30, 2019

TELS 3340 Case Studies Essay Example

TELS 3340 Case Studies Paper Narmin Azizli Case study 2-A 1 . What is Marilyns responsibility to her present employer regarding her knowledge that several employees are planning to seek positions with the new company? Marilyn is an experienced supervisor, and she is responsible to report if there are any problems with employees. In my opinion, she should inform middle or top management that there is possibility that some employees might leave. By doing this she is not telling on her employees. She is making sure that management will be prepared if someone leaves. In addition, if Marilyn informs top management about he issue, they might consider higher pay rates and better benefits in order to keep their current employees. 2. How should Marilyn reply to the recruiter who is asking her to come in for an interview? Does this constitute an ethnical decision for her? This does constitute and ethical decision for Marilyn. First, she needs to decide if she wants to stay with her current employer, or work for a new company. I believe that it is not unethical to take a Job interview, or find out more about benefits this new company might offer her. We will write a custom essay sample on TELS 3340 Case Studies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on TELS 3340 Case Studies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on TELS 3340 Case Studies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In my opinion, she needs to inform her current employer hat she is considering other options before taking an interview. 3. Is it ethical for one company to receive funds to move into an area when other companies struggle to keep Jobs from going offshore or from being lost to automation? First, the company that is moving into an area specializes in computer parts. Other companies which struggled with Job losses were in the textile field. There is a possibility that computer parts manufacturing plant has better chances of succeeding in that town than textile company. So why not? I dont think this is unethical. Especially, if new Jobs will be created in a small town that was hit hard ith Job losses. Community will benefit if there are new Job opportunities. Case study 3-A 1 . Outline the specific steps Cliff should have taken with Sonja prior to their meeting with Cindy to ensure the meeting went smoothly with no surprises. First, if the company had problems with Cindys performance at work they needed to follow certain procedures. Supervisor needs to identify the problem, once it is clear, so is the procedure to handle it Procedure is a standardized way ot responding to repetitive problems. Cliff is the corporate property manager; Sonja is corporate assistant property manager. Cliff should have been the one talking to Cindy, not Sonja. In my opinion, Sonja was not even supposed to be in the room. In this case, Cliff was supposed to tell Sonja if she wants to sit in, she can, but he will be the one talking to Cindy. He has the firing power, not Sonja. In addition, it was Just simple meeting to discuss sales expectations for Cindy. Cliff showed that he is a weak supervisor by letting his assistant to fire an employee during sales expectations meeting. 2. As supervisor, what should Cliff have done when it became apparent Sonja was overstepping her authority during the meeting with Cindy? Cliff was supposed to stop Sonja and let her know that she doesnt have that power. Moreover, he also could ask her to leave the room. He did not follow company protocol during the dismissal, which is very bad for company image. 3. What steps do you believe Heather should take with Sonja? With Cindy? I believe that Heather, as a seasoned veteran of HR needs to talk to Sonja and let her know that she needs to apologize to Cindy, and never overstep her authority again. In addition, I also think that it would be appropriate for Cliff and Cindy to have another meeting, where Cliff should apologize for what happened to make sure that this ncident does not affect the company and all members of the executive committee. Case Study 4-A 1. Explain how work specialization is important to Jack as a building and grounds supervisor. Work specialization means that rather than an entire Job being done by one individual, it is broken down into a number of steps that are each completed by a separate individual. Jacks main Job is to ensure that the inside of the buildings and the grounds are clean and in good repair and are pleasant places for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This sounds like a simple description of his Job, but it includes a lot more responsibilities. He has to make sure that everything is working fine, take care of plants, snow removal, heat and air conditioning, and maintain constant level of humidity in the greenhouse for biology department. He manages seven other full time workers. Each of them has their own responsibilities. He also hires part time workers depending on the need. Jack cant possibly do it all alone. He needs at least one person for each Job. In addition, he monitors their work, makes sure that everything is getting done. Work specialization is very important for Jacks job. It is very beneficial, but it also has its cons. Boredom, fatigue, stress, low productivity, poor quality, high turnover are all negative things that can come with work specialization. Jack needs to motivate his employees, make sure that they are nappy and nave no problems. A good way to do this is to make them teel I ike DOSS of their Job, he needs to show that he trusts them and they can make good decisions. Moreover, it will be beneficial to involve them in decision process too. For example, one of the employees has specialization in heating and plumbing. He is more experienced in this field. So listening to ideas he has to offer will be beneficial to Jack nd will show to that employee that his thoughts and ideas count. 2. What type of organizational structure does this community college have? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this structure? This community college has functional organizational structure. Functional structure is defined as an organization in which similar and related occupational specialties are grouped together. The strength of this structure is work specialization. Putting like specialties together results in economies of scale, minimizes duplication of personnel and equipment, and employees are satisfied because they are working ith people Just like themselves. The weakness of this structure is that organization focuses on functional goals and loses sight of its best interests. In other words, this can lead to complicated communication and long decision making processes. No one is responsible for end results, so members within individual functions have little understanding of what people in other functions are doing. In addition, employees can neglect the larger view of the company and its goals and objectives. When an employee has understanding of future goals, and visions of the company he/she can contribute more. When you are doing one Job and not seeing how it benefits the organization in long term can lead to burnout and low productivity. It is important to feel and see that what you are doing matters and benefits the company. 3. Discuss the factors that determine the size of Jacks span of control. Span of control stands for the number of employees a supervisor can efficiently and effectively direct. However, there is no universal answer. The factors that determine the size of Jacks span of control are his experience and competency, level of training and experience of his employees, how complex are employee activities, how many ifferent types of Jobs are under the supervisors direction, how extensive the departments formal rules and regulations are. Since each of Jacks full time workers specializes in different areas, it shows that the Jobs are more varied which leads to the narrower span of control. Each worker is responsible for different types of things that needs to be done around campus, which makes their activities more complex. More complex activities lead to narrower span of control. Since each worker does different things Jack needs to review each task that is completed separately, it takes more time. I think seven full time workers and part timers depending on season is enough for Jack. Case study 5-A 1 . Why is it important for Jameel to know about the laws and regulations that affect human resource practice? Since one of Jameels responsibilities is to coordinate the part-time temporary work needs of several local companies, it is very important for him to know about laws and regulations that affect human resource practice. He needs to know about equal employment opportunities laws, and selection process which must be handled without regard to race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, or disability. 2. Why is it important for Jameel to know how to determine staffing needs? Demand for human resources is a result of demand for what the department produces. If company needs to complete certain amount of work, and there are not enough current employees to complete the work, the company will need more employees. By assessing current human resource and future human resource needs and developing a program to meet future human resource needs which is employment planning, Jameel can know exactly how many potential employees he needs to recruit. 3. What are some recruiting methods that Jameel might use to ensure that he has the ight employees to match the needs of employers? Some recruiting methods Jameel might use are employee referrals, advertisements, school placements, temporary help services, and employee leasing and independent contractors. In addition, he could also use online recruiting websites which are very popular. . Research the employment selection process of three businesses in your community. Ask questions like these: What type of and how much testing do they require? Is an application, resume, or work sample required? Who conducts the interviews and how long are they? Who makes the final decision to hire a new mployee? How long is the process? Three businesses that I researched are Kroger, Starbucks, and Mason Nails. In order to apply for a Job at Kroger you need fill out an online application. First part of their application is designed to collect personal information, and second part is assessment. The assessment is 17 pages long with 5 questions on each page. The assessment helps them to determine if you are a good fit for the company. Moreover, they also do background check and drug testing. Once your application is selected local manager of Kroger in the area where you live will conduct the interview. The nterviews usually lasts 15/20 minutes. Local manager makes the final decision to hire an employee. The process can take 60 to 90 days (including application processing time). In order to apply for a Job at Starbucks an application process is required. They dont require any testing. Usually branch manager conducts the interview and it is approximately 20/30 minutes. Branch manager makes final decision to hire a new employee. The process is 20/30 days long. In Mason Nails usually potential employee does not need to till an application. It someone is interested they need to come in and talk to the manager. If manager needs additional employees he/she will set up and interview with interested person. They would do skills test on potential employee (to see if they can do manicure/pedicure). In addition, license from cosmetology school is required. Manager/owner makes the final decision to hire. The process is short, it can be a week or two. Case Study 6-A 1 . Refer to the steps of the control process. Where in the process do the steps taken by the Florida resort hotel fall? The steps taken by the Florida resort hotel fall into the first step of control process which is measuring actual performance. Managers started evaluating room leanliness based on the instructional video information. Because of economic turmoil hospitality industry has been hit hard. Since clean rooms are critical component in customer satisfaction, managers of Florida resort hotel decided to use $10 test. This test worked and guest rooms cleaned to an impeccable standard. 2. As a supervisor, do you think the $10 test is a fair and appropriate method to measure the performance of the housekeeping staff? Why or why not? I think the $10 test is appropriate and fair method to measure performance. Housekeepers usually do their Job, but they dont clean every single little spot. They are not motivated to do so. If you fire them and hire new staff, the new staff will do the Job, but it wont be perfect. Perfect clean rooms are essential for customer satisfaction. Therefore, for housekeepers to have motivation to clean to perfection $10 test works. I look at it like tips, for good service you get tips. Same can be applied to this situation. 3. Describe which type of control is illustrated in this case. How do you know? Corrective control is a type of control that provides feedback after an activity is finished to prevent future deviations. Corrective control is illustrated in this case, ecause after the room has been cleaned, the manager would walk in lay 10 one dollar bills on the bed and take a dollar for each mistake. The manager gives feedback after the cleaning has been done. Case study 7-A 1. In her new Job, how might Toby make use of the knowledge she has about decision-making styles? Toby can use her knowledge about decision-making styles by examining how her boss, and other supervisors make their decisions. Once she knows their styles, she could find the best style to introduce her new ideas and take actions that she thinks will work better in the call center. 2. How would Toby benetlt by examining the styles ot ner boss and those ot the other supervisors? By examining the styles of her boss and other supervisors Toby can understand how two different people, with access to the same information, can differ in the ways they approach decisions and in the final choices they make. In addition, once she fgures out their decision-making styles she will know exactly how to approach them with new ideas and offers. 3. In a popular television show The Apprentice, we see a particular style of decision making. Identify other public personalities by their decision-making styles. George W. Bush the 43rd president of US has directive decision-making style. Most of his decisions are quick and made with minimal information. On the other hand, Barack Obamas decision making style is analytical. He tends to be more careful with his decisions, considers more alternatives, and reviews a lot of information before making a decision. Moreover, Jimmy Kimmel famous talk show host has behavioral decision making style. He works well with others, tries to avoid conflict, and seeks acceptance. In conclusion, Marc Jacobs who is a famous designer has conceptual decision making style. He tends to consider many alternatives, his focus is long range, and he is creative. Case Study 8-A 1 . Describe the behaviors (stealing) by these employees in terms of their needs, the organizations effect on them, equating their inputs and outcomes, and what employees expect from their employer. Need is a physiological or psychological deficiency that makes certain outcomes seem attractive. When your needs are unsatisfied it leads to tension, which sets off a drive to satisfy that need. These plant workers are unhappy with decisions that their company is making, they cant do anything about it. If they quit, they will have no income at all. Stealing seems like a revenge for them. In order to satisfy their needs they steal. Moreover, the organization was too busy with its own problems that they forgot about their workers. According to Herzbergs research if we want to motivate people in their Jobs, we need to emphasize on achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and growth. The organizations decisions had negative effect on the employees. Organization made them feel like they dont have a voice. Equity theory states that employees perceive what they can get from a Job situation outcomes) in relations to what they put into it (inputs), and then compare their input-outcome ratio with the input-outcome ratio of others. These plant workers were getting paid certain amount of money for their Job, suddenly their salary decreased. Naturally, they are very angry about the situation. They know that they are getting paid less for the amount of work they are doing. Finally, according to expectancy theory, an employee will be motivated to exert a high level ot e ttort when ne or sne believes that effort will lead to a good performance appraisal; that a good appraisal ill lead to organizational rewards such as a bonus, a salary increase, or a promotion; and that the rewards will satisfy the employees personal goals. In this situation, plant workers are definitely not expecting anything from their company. All they got is salary decrease, and there will not be any bonuses or salary increase. They have no motivation to put full effort in their Job. 2. What do you believe supervisors could have done differently to avert this potential problem? I believe that, the idea that pay cut would cause less harm than eliminating several obs altogether was a bad idea. Reducing pay levels in order to prevent layoffs is not a solution. It will bring more harm to the company, Just like it did in this case. Imagine you are making certain amount of money at your Job, and one day your supervisor announces that you will be making less. It is definitely not fair for you. A company provokes anger of all of its employees by decreasing their salary, whereas layoffs are hard and sad but they dont affect work productivity of remaining employees. Layoffs could have been hard but better decision to make.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

macmillan coffee morning Essay

macmillan coffee morning Essay macmillan coffee morning Essay Optimising my video I have made a really big video which is made up of loads of videos, images, music and animations. This means the file size is really big and could be difficult to email or upload to a website. I need to compress the video to make it more efficient to be used. I am going to do this by using windows movie maker. I can choose to save it as an avi file or a wmv file. When you choose a bit rate you have some options. You can choose a high bit rate which will make it a high quality but will make the file extremely large. You only need a high bit rate if you have a lot of movement like an action movie, but my video doesn’t so I will make it a small bit rate which will make it a smaller size and quicker to upload/save to different areas. The next thing I need to change is my display size. If you have a large display size the amount of pixels is greater giving an excellent quality image, however this makes it extremely large. I will use a relatively small display size so I get the balance between quality and size just right. I now need to choose the aspect ratio. There are two choices. There is 4:3 which is referred to as standard and 16:9 which is referred to as widescreen. As my video will be mostly viewed on a cd rom or desktop/laptop then 4:3 will be more than adequate. The next thing is frames per second. The more frames per second you use the larger the video will be, but it will run smoothly. If you select a small FPS then the video size will be

Friday, November 22, 2019

Paste) - Delphi Code

Clipboard Basics (Cut / Copy / Paste) - Delphi Code The Windows Clipboard represents the container for any text or graphics that are cut, copied or pasted from or to an application. This article will show you how to use the TClipboard object to implement cut-copy-paste features in your Delphi application. Clipboard in General As you probably know, the Clipboard can hold only one piece of the same kind of data for cut, copy and paste at one time. If we send new information in the same format to the Clipboard, we wipe out what was there before, but the contents of the Clipboard stays with the Clipboard even after we paste those contents into another program. TClipboard In order to use the Windows Clipboard in our applications, we must add the ClipBrd unit to the uses clause of the project, except when we restrict cutting, copying and pasting to the components already possessing built-in support for Clipboard methods. Those components are TEdit, TMemo, TOLEContainer, TDDEServerItem, TDBEdit, TDBImage and TDBMemo. The ClipBrd unit automatically represents a TClipboard object called Clipboard. Well use the CutToClipboard, CopyToClipboard, PasteFromClipboard, Clear and HasFormat methods to deal with Clipboard operations and text/graphic manipulation. Send and Retrieve Text In order to send some text to the Clipboard the AsText property of the Clipboard object is used. If we want, for example, to send the string information contained in the variable SomeStringData to the Clipboard (wiping out whatever text was there), well use the following code: uses ClipBrd; ... Clipboard.AsText : SomeStringData_Variable; To retrieve the text information from the Clipboard well use uses ClipBrd; ... SomeStringData_Variable : Clipboard.AsText; Note: if we only want to copy the text from, lets say, Edit component to the Clipboard, we do not have to include the ClipBrd unit to the uses clause. The CopyToClipboard method of TEdit copies the selected text in the edit control to the Clipboard in the CF_TEXT format. procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin   Ã‚   //the following line will select   Ã‚   //ALL the text in the edit control   Ã‚   {Edit1.SelectAll;}   Ã‚   Edit1.CopyToClipboard; end; Clipboard Images To retrieve graphical images from the Clipboard, Delphi must know what type of image is stored there. Similarly, to transfer images to the clipboard, the application must tell the Clipboard what type of graphics it is sending. Some of the possible values of the Format parameter follow; there are many more Clipboard formats provided by Windows. CF_TEXT - Text with each line ending with a CR-LF combination.CF_BITMAP - A Windows bitmap graphic.CF_METAFILEPICT - A Windows metafile graphic.CF_PICTURE - An object of type TPicture.CF_OBJECT - Any persistent object. The HasFormat method returns True if the image in the Clipboard has the right format: if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_METAFILEPICT) then ShowMessage(Clipboard has metafile) ; Use the Assign method to send (assign) an image to the Clipboard. For example, the following code copies the bitmap from a bitmap object named MyBitmap to the Clipboard: Clipboard.Assign(MyBitmap) ; In general, MyBitmap is an object of type TGraphics, TBitmap, TMetafile or TPicture. To retrieve an image from the Clipboard we have to: verify the format of the current contents of the clipboard and use the Assign method of the target object: {place one button and one image control on form1} {Prior to executing this code press Alt-PrintScreen key combination} uses clipbrd; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_BITMAP) then Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(Clipboard) ; end; More Clipboard Control Clipboard stores information in multiple formats so we can transfer data between applications using different formats. When reading information from the clipboard with Delphis TClipboard class, we are limited to standard clipboard formats: text, pictures, and metafiles. Suppose youre working between two different Delphi applications; how would you define custom clipboard format in order to send and receive data between those two programs? For the purpose of exploration, lets say you are trying to code a Paste menu item. You want it to be disabled when there is no text in the clipboard (as an instance). Since the entire process with the clipboard takes place behind the scenes, there is no method of TClipboard class that will inform you when some change in the content of the clipboard has taken place. The idea is to hook in the clipboard notification system, so youre able to access and respond to events when the clipboard changes. To enjoy more flexibility and functionality, dealing with clipboard change notifications and custom clipboard formats listening to the Clipboard is necessary.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Research Paper Example The reason behind this great success is the diversified and extensive platform social media provide to their users. Success does not only refer to good sales or handsome income, but another important factors that incur little or no expense over marketing or other legal formalities. It needs to be noted here that social media are not just limited to social networking sites but are very extensive involving the use of various modern techniques. The most popular and the most intriguing social media forum is Facebook which is a marketing platform and start up point of various small scale businesses. Thus in a nutshell, social media have added greatly to the progress and propagation of small scale businesses. Firstly, social media help a small scale businessman to develop a complete marketing strategy. This is one of the most important steps to propagate the business. The convenient platform of social media provided allows individuals to develop a healthy and cheap marketing strategy. This helps businessmen to outline their ideal customer or, basically, their target market and audience. It determines how and what makes them distinct from others in the same field offering the same services, as well as why one should choose them. This gives the customer a story to relate or a glimpse of the services and facilities that await them. Thus, "Social Media for Marketing is perhaps one of the areas of business where social media may prove to be very useful. It can help your reach more markets, and serve as a guide so that you can target your marketing strategies accordingly." (Juon, Dunrie and Buerkle, 56) Secondly, social media aid in developing public relations, as they are quite important to develop a small scale business and make it prosper. Building up on public relations and customer support by using social media is very common these days. This does not only involves queries, orders or details etc. but also helps individuals to evaluate the response and popularity of th e object. The conversations or blogging done on these platforms allow people to understand the product better; if there are any critiques or negative feedback, that can also restrict the customer from doing business. These trends have also evolved the concept of customer services in recent times. Hence, if a social media is used to make good public relations with healthy sales and positive feedback, then that can propagate the business more. "A strong public relations foundation, using feedback from publics, and enhancing the sense of community can make a good digital media plan a great one." (Stoldt, Dittmore and Branvold, 88) It has been observed that through social media, one can engage the customers. "Such a raft of activity surrounding social media it is no wonder that business is beginning to recognize the need to engage social media and overcome any associated fears in adopting this technology to communicate with potential clients." (Davies, 175) Through various promotional s trategies that are being used these days like competitions and sharing of the page etc. has caused great success to businesses. Today, page owners or, in other words, entrepreneurs offer certain incentives which encourage users or customers to promote the business. These incentives might

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Study 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study 2 - Essay Example rs, since the Casino is located on Indian land that falls outside the jurisdiction of the New Mexican Courts and it is the location where the under cooked food was served. She can file on the same grounds of negligence and breach of warranty by a restaurant which sells food to its customers and it can be sued as a third party which caused the sale of contaminated food through its apathy. Robin may have a cause of action against Beauty for trespass and damage to his property in the local District Court at Texas, to claim damages and reimbursement of the cost of the sign which was damaged, since the amount in question is 100000$ and will not fall within the purview of a small claims Court. However, since Beauty was ill when it occurred, the Court may mitigate the damages. However Beauty can also file a counter suit against Robin for bodily assault, and the issue of provocation may also be taken into account by the Court in determining damages, however it will nevertheless mitigate the extent to which beauty may have to reimburse Robin . Beauty can file a suit against Elmer Fudd in the small claims Court in Florida and make a claim on damages caused to the body of her car, in the event that Elmer Fudd is not covered by insurance. The costs of bodywork must be less than 5000$. However, it may also be possible for Elmer Fudd to file a counter claim alleging that he is not responsible for the entire $12,000, since only part of the damage was caused due to his negligence and that he is not responsible for the engine damage. The case against Beasty Boys for recovery of monies Beauty has paid for repair of the car engine could be filed in a small claims court in Delaware where the Company is incorporated, since Delaware state allows for claims up to 15,000$. Beauty could file the suit including the head office in Delaware as well as the local branch of Beasty in Nevada that was responsible for the default. The cause of action would be on the basis of the tort of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A purely farcical character Essay Example for Free

A purely farcical character Essay In this essay I intend to discuss the statement Petruchio is a purely farcical character and far I agree with it. I intend to explore Petruchios character further to determine whether he has other side to him apart from his comical side whether he is a purely farcical character. The Taming of the Shrew is a comedy, a farcical play with a lot of the humour being about the war between the sexes, which is shown in the major theme of marriage, and men trying to tame their women. Petruchio plays a big part in this with his wooing and marriage to Katherine. Petruchio is the main character in the play aswell as Katherine and he is also one of the main farcical characters who is often witty and farcical in his speeches is portrayed as a clown with a lot of comic scenes. They are quite slapstick humour as with his wedding outfit, his outfit shows him acting the clown. The description we get of his outfit is very comical and the image of the old horse. It is his wedding day and he doesnt take it at all seriously. Another example of his humour is in Act 1 scene 2 where Petruchio and Grumio have a comic misunderstanding at the door. All these scenes are very silly and slapstick and show Petruchio as perhaps a purely farcical character, but there are other sides to him. Deceit is a major theme in The Taming of the Shrew, with many of the characters in disguise. Petruchio is one character who doesnt swap identities with another character as we see with Lucentio and Tranio, but he does have a different disguise. He plays a role to tame Katherine and marry her so that he can be wealthy. He tricks her into believing he is a cruel man and he tells the audience this in one of his speeches (iv line 159-178). He tells them of his plans to deceive her and cure her of her shrewish ways and so she will become the dutiful wife and a lady. He does imply in this speech that he himself will also have to suffer in order to tame her (line 170-178) Petruchios character is quite deceitful and he does admit this to the audience. He is so deceitful he almost fools the audience into believing he is being himself. But he cant be as he keeps informing them of his plans to deceive Katherine, so he obviously is not the man he portrays himself as. In the presence of his friends he is quite humorous as again with the scene where Petruchio and Grumio have the comical misunderstanding. With his friends he is more himself and is honest about what he wants, married, happy, and wealthy in Padua.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Supernatural in Shakespeare’s The Tempest And Marlowe’s The Tragical Hi

The Supernatural in Shakespeare’s The Tempest And Marlowe’s The Tragical History of D. Faustus The supernatural forces are at once alike and distinct in Shakespeare’s The Tempest and in Marlowe’s The Tragical History of D. Faustus. The supernatural is kind to Prospero and his daughter Miranda in The Tempest, while the devils in Dr Faustus eagerly wait for the day that Faustus would join them in Hell. In both plays, the supernatural provides recurrent waves of sounds and feelings, lending special atmospheric qualities to The Tempest and Dr Faustus. The supernatural serves as a reminder of the hierarchies that exist in both plays, and it also illuminates the human heart, revealing the characters’ thoughts and wishes. Often appearing visible to all, the supernatural forces in The Tempest and Dr Faustus sustain the plays by providing a distinct atmospheric backbone, by reminding the characters of the existing hierarchies, and by revealing the characters’ inner hearts. Soaked in the supernatural, Shakespeare’s The Tempest possesses an impenetrable veil of eeriness. It opens with the tempestuous roaring of thunder and lightning, setting the stage for panic and confusion amongst the mariners. The mariners scatter and hide, while Ferdinand’s hair stands on end. This wild and surreal atmosphere prepares the characters and the audience for future encounters with supernatural beings. When the spirit Ariel wakes Gonzalo and the others, Gonzalo says, â€Å"’Tis best we stand upon our guard, or that we quit this place. Let’s draw our weapons† (II.i.317-318). The mortals are on guard against the supernatural, and this suspenseful atmosphere often returns when Ariel and the other spirits approach these unknowing men. When Prospero remembers ... ...ory of D. Faustus are about the relationship of the two worlds. By creating an eerie and sometimes humourous atmosphere, the supernatural gives the plays points of interest. The existing hierarchies between mortal and immortal are not to be destroyed, and the supernatural beings in these two plays reinforce the rules. By revealing the characters’ hearts and minds, the supernatural drive the plot as well as the actions of the individual characters, so that without these beings, these two plays would grind to a standstill. WORKS CITED Marlowe, Christopher. The Tragical History of D. Faustus. In Renaissance Drama: An Anthology of Plays and Entertainments. Edited by A.F. Kinney. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2002. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Greenblatt, Stephen. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc., 1997. 3055-3107.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Things fall apart answers

The other village, Mbabane killed a woman from Jamaica and a young virgin and Shameful was given to the village as a peace offering. Awoken Was troubled by his death because he became like a son to him. Shameful even referred to Awoken as his father. Awoken was hurt because he looked at him as his own, but out of pride, he participated in his murder. In fact, he dealt the final blow to kill him. 4. Beriberi was Ginkgo's friend. When Awoken visited him after the killing of Shameful, Beriberi told him that he should not have participated in the ailing of Shameful since Awoken had grown him up like his own son.He said that the Earth Goddess could wipe out an entire family for this type of action. Beriberi refusal to participate in the killing of Shameful in light of Ginkgo's action showed that he was wise and had a different temperament from Awoken. Where Awoken is volatile and prone to action, Beriberi is thoughtful, even philosophic. Beriberi did not believe that slaying one's child w as necessary to gain the admiration or approval of the rest of the clan. Beriberi believed in performing actions that were pleasing to God and not rely acting to seem strong in the eyes of men. 5.Eczema was Ginkgo's daughter. She was more of a boy than a girl, in terms of her attitude and behavior. He preferred her and wished she was a boy more than his son Known. She understood him. 6. An cabbage child is a child that has an evil spirit. This type of evil child when born, will die and implant himself/herself in its mother's womb to be reborn as a means of tormenting its mother and family. Kefir was known to have cabbage children. At the death of her third child, Niobium, Awoken ladled in another medicine-man, Gabble Nanny, who ordered that there be no mourning for the dead child.Gabble took a razor and mutilated the dead child's body. He then took it away to bury in the Evil Forest holding it by the ankle and dragging it on the ground behind him. He did this as a way Of discouragin g the evil spirit or cabbage child from coming again. 7. Awoken was exiled because he unintentionally shot and killed a clansman during the funeral festivities for Queued. Awoken had committed a female crime because his act was done inadvertently. The sixteen year old boy who had been killed was the son of Queued.Awoken was exiled in order to cleanse the land he had polluted by shedding the blood of a clansman and to exact punishment for an offence he had committed against the great Earth goddess. 8. Awoken feared becoming like his father Look who was lazy, improvident and quite incapable of making provisions for the future. He held no titles, owed many people, was weak and womanish and hated the sight of blood. He had only one wife and owned no barns. Awoken tried to distance himself room his father's legacy by being a fearless wrestler who defeated Emailing the Cat.He held titles, had three wives and several barns of yams. He was courageous and took charge of his family with a hea vy hand. Ginkgo's pride and fears contributed to his downfall because he tried so hard to distance himself from his fathers legacy that he ignored the advice of elders such as Gibbous Queued who told Awoken not to take part in the killing of Shameful. The Oracle of Hills and the Caves had pronounced Snakeskin's death. Awoken did not listen though. He had to prove his manliness/ trench by showing he was not afraid of blood.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Death of An Economy

My topic deals with Pakistan, its relationship with the IMF and World Bank, and its internal problems that are causing unemployment, poverty, economic crisis and hunger. I shall be analyzing the situation using the neo-classical theory, as it is what the economists of the Pakistan government and the IMF are using to alleviate the economic instability of the country. Situated in the sub-continent, Pakistan is a low-income country, with great promise for growth. Unfortunately, it is held back from reaching middle-income status by chronic problems like a rapidly growing population, sizable government deficits, a heavy dependence on foreign aid, recurrent governmental instability and large military expenditures. It is to address these fundamental faults in Pakistan†s economy that the IMF has initiated the Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) in the country. This is discussed in further detail later in the paper. Like all developing countries, Pakistan†s population is largely employed in the agricultural sector, which accounts for about 48 percent of the labor force. In today†s world the Industrial and Service sectors are the largest growing areas of a developed county†s economy. Yet Pakistan only employs 39 percent of its population in Service, and a minute 13 percent in Industry. This is a paltry figure, compared to the employment statistics of a developed country. Pakistan is also heavily dependent on a single export crop, cotton. Hence the country†s fortunes rise and fall with the cotton market. It is no wonder that there are so many poverty stricken people in Pakistan. When almost half the population is involved in a very volatile market, a lot of the time, a lot of people will be burnt by price fluctuations. The country is also subject to the mercy of the weather. Focussing on a major cash crop means very little diversification. This translates to mass hunger and hard times for the agricultural sector whenever the agrarian lands are ravaged by floods, or conversely, by droughts. Even more importantly, Pakistan†s agricultural sector is marked by large landowners, controlling most of the production. Hence, only a minimal amount of the profit from exports goes to the poor people working for the large farmers. It is these people who constitute a large portion of Pakistan†s population. It is also these people who are living in abject poverty in the rural regions of the country, devoid of the right to feed their families. This is a great illustration of a theme discussed in â€Å"World Hunger, Twelve Myths.† Lappe, Collins, Rosset and Esparza discuss the commonly believed myths about why hunger and poverty exist. In it they clarify this very important point: hunger does not exist due to a shortage of available food, but because of ‘fear† and ‘powerlessness,† resulting in the ‘anguish, grief and humiliation† felt by the hungry and poverty stricken. Pakistan is a classic example of this theory. Based on a feudal system, especially in agriculture, Pakistani society is primarily controlled by feudal overlords, (a.k.a. the politicians or relatives of politicians), who own or oversee most of the agrarian land and industrial base. Being above the law, due to their political influence, these corrupt people can literally get away with murder. Thus, keeping their laborers subdued and underpaid is no hard task. Anyone who dares to complain is used as an ‘example† for potential future unrest. As a result, the people in their ‘elakhas†, (controlled lands), remain destitute in the throes of poverty, unable to help themselves due to their lack of power and the fear of the ‘thekedars†, (large landowners). By a lack of power, I refer not to a dearth of physical prowess but to a scarcity of basic human rights. These are the same rights that people in developed countries take for granted. The right to vote for whomever one feels like is missing. Instead a lot of villagers are forced to vote for the local land owner due to a combination of fear and ignorance; a fear of the repercussions of a potential loss by the feudal lord and the ignorance of any means to escape this same overlord†s wrath. Very often there is also no choice of candidates. There are very few people willing to risk their own and their families† safety by running against their subjugators. All this goes against the very nature of the free market economy that Pakistan is supposed to be running. While the IMF and World Bank are using Neo Classical theory to address the nation†s problems in the capital, half the country is still being run under the feudal system. Till this system is broken, and the immense lower classes are empowered there is not a dent that can be made in the country†s poverty and hunger issues. Rather the problem will continue to grow right under the economists† noses. Pakistan is also set back by ethnic problems, having numerous groups including Punjabis, Pakhtoons, Sindhis, Balochis and Mujahirs. Speaking different languages, the different ethnic groups do not get along very well as is witnessed by the numerous clashes between Sindhis and Mujahirs in the violence torn city of Karachi. The language barrier also translates to a lack of mobility of labor, which is a key to economic success under neo-classical theory. Hence the large sparsely populated province of Balochistan is presently under utilized. Due to a lack of available labor, industries are tough to set up. If the language/ethnic barrier could be overcome, the rich lands of Balochistan could potentially become the saviors of Pakistan†s economy. Pakistan also has a very week industrial base. Being an ex British colony it suffers from a similar problem to the one ailing a number of the African and South American countries. This issue is that the colonists never bothered building up the necessary base for industrialization. While the rest of the world was busy building this base, greedy colonists who did not care about the country and thus paid no attention to its development were exploiting countries like Pakistan. Hence Pakistan is permanently playing catch up to the rest of the developed world leaving very little money for social services to help the situation of the poor. The literacy rate in Pakistan is also very low. In 1992, the official literacy rate for the adult population was said to be a low 36 percent. Even more dismal was the statistic that listed 45 women being educated for every man. With this dearth of qualified personnel, there is no room for economic growth as there are no new minds to head the growth. Women are also the primary food producers in Pakistan. If they are not being educated, it means that they are not up to date on the latest production techniques, which in turn translates to inefficiency and the aforementioned ignorance. Once again it all ties into the powerlessness that marks the hunger and poverty-stricken. Women represent 54 percent of Pakistan†s population. If they are not allowed to exercise their rights to an education and to vote, how can the country be expected to progress? It is like asking a man with one leg to run. Like other third world countries, in Pakistan, substandard housing, inadequate sanitation and water supply, and widespread malnutrition contribute to spread of disease and to high infant, childhood, and maternal mortality. The leading causes of death are gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, congenital abnormalities, tuberculosis, malaria, and typhoid fever, all preventable diseases. Unfortunately the poor, uneducated lower classes are not given enough attention by the corrupt officials running the country, which is resulting in their situation deteriorating year by year. These, along with other economic and social issues are causing immense hunger and poverty in Pakistan. Presently Pakistan is passing through an unprecedented economic crisis, made worse by the global recession. The turmoil in domestic markets and the imbalance between resources and liabilities threatens to roll back the modest levels of economic development and industrialization that Pakistan has achieved so far. Had it not been for a reasonably strong agricultural base, the situation would be much worse. This ‘situation† has been caused by a mixture of issues, including the near sightedness of politicians and their persistence in following politically popular, but economically disastrous policies. An example of this is the detonation of a nuclear bomb a year ago. Simply to show off to India and the rest of the world, as well as to raise their local popularity, the Pakistani government decided to go ahead with an unnecessary test that brought economic sanctions against them and also cost them a lot of their aid from western countries. However, much more important have been the structural reasons underlying this deterioration, all of which have been contributing to the growing feeling of desperation the hungry and poverty stricken have been experiencing. Before this paper begins finding solutions to the problems at hand, we need to remind ourselves of the key issues. 1) One major problem that Pakistan needs to deal with is the fact that its expenses are far more than its revenues. Partly due to decades of lax fiscal management, but more because of myopic policies in its external relations, the militaristic structure of the state and the narrow vision of its rapist elite, Pakistan is Rs 100 billion short of the money to simply keep its existing machinery operational. How is a third world country supposed to develop an infrastructure when it is spending more than its net revenues on only two items, debt servicing and defense? In fact, Rs 18 billion of its defense has to be financed to borrowing. The Pakistani government has not been governing; it has simply been acting as a debt-securing agency. 2) Lately the government has been touting the fact that it has achieved the IMF imposed budget defect target. What it neglects to mention that it achieved the target through questionable means. Firstly, it drastically reduced its developmental expenditure from 7.5 per cent of GDP in the early '90s to a paltry 3 per cent, which translates to a cutback of 140 billion in present prices. A cutback of expenditure of such extent in the governments purchases of private sector goods like cement, pipes and cables and services like engineering explains why a number of private sub-sectors are at the point of closing down, operating at a vastly reduced capacity. This is adding to the issues of hunger, poverty and unemployment being faced in Pakistan. The government has also reduced the amount it givers to the provinces by Rs 30 billion, transferring some of its debt to the provincial governments. In other words the government has done nothing to resolve the issue of structural defect. 3) What†s worse is that not only has developmental expenditure been sharply curtailed, but that the scarce resources set aside for infrastructure works have been diverted to less productive investments_like the new motorway and the new Lahore airport. This massive reduction of the public sector†s developmental activities is causing a contraction in employment opportunities for Pakistan†s growing number of middle class educated youth. This is particularly serious in the areas where the private sector is unlikely to locate due to the lack of infrastructure. Thus the really poor areas continue to live in poverty due to the government†s inability to provide adequate physical and social infrastructure or create an environment for private sector investment. It has also not been able to maintain law and order and is guilty of not living up to its contractual obligations which is further discouraging foreign and domestic investment in the country. The treatment of its foreign currency account holders and IPPs last year illustrates this point. 4) Pakistan suffers from the typical problems that all third world countries suffer. One of these is massive corruption at all levels, estimated at Rs 100 billion a year. This means that a large portion of national wealth has been stolen from the poor. No wonder, the country is unable to lift itself out of the quagmire of poverty and hunger. 5) Tax evasion is another issue that the government needs to address. Successive governments have failed to establish a tax culture due to an inequitable structure, which taxes different sources differently. An example of this is provided by the large farmers who, despite now getting higher international prices for their crop, are unwilling to pay the modest levels of provincial taxes. The political leadership itself does not pay its taxes diligently. Thus, unless companies owned by sitting ministers install invoice based systems for tax accounting, it will continue to be difficult to enforce retail taxes. Also, the repeated bowing down of the government to shutter-down threats of traders and the repeated refusal of large land-owners to meet their tax obligations is increasing the burden of taxes on the helpless poor, the organized sectors, and the honest people foolish enough to pay their taxes. If the rich are not willing to meet their responsibilities, how are the poor supposed to survive? 6) There is the additional problem of a gap of between 5 an 6 per cent of GDP per year between domestic national savings and investments which translates to approximately Rs 150 billion being financed from external borrowing. This further adds to the crippling debt that is allowing the IMF and World Bank to interfere in the formulation of domestic economic policies. 7) The external debt of around US$ 34 billion is more than 50 per cent of GDP, and four times the annual foreign exchange earnings. Pakistan can neither repay nor service this debt. So far I has only postponed the inevitable, default by piling up further debts at abominably high rates. 8) Pakistan†s exports compromise 0.2 per cent of world exports and diversification from a single crop economy has remained an elusive dream. Therefore to hope for exports to be the driving force of economic recovery, as the government is doing, would require an astronomical rise in exports, and the price of cotton. In other words it is impossible. 9) The country†s ability to export is also affected by sluggish world trade, which coupled with an over valued currency, is rendering Pakistan†s exports uncompetitive. With the rise in the price of oil, the gap between import bills and export receipts is widening. 10) Until now this gap has been met with remittances and short-term borrowing. But due to a decline in remittances for a number of reasons and Pakistan†s declining credit, this is no longer an option. It therefore seems that it is impossible to maintain the present levels of growth rates and imports as well as meet debt servicing. 11) Public sector industries are also deeply in the red due to over-manning, corruption, and the protection given to large defaulters of utilities. The combined debts of just WAPDA and KESC, (which deal with electricity and gas respectively,) are Rs 91 billion while the loans of 18 public sector enterprises is close to Rs 250 billion. 12) The government is offering 15 to 18 per cent interest rates on its saving schemes which is far to high for it to be able to generate high enough returns to service the debt and still have enough left over to finance developmental activities. 13) Most of Pakistan†s industry faces the issue of negative or nominal growth, while value-added industry is operating at 30% below capacity. The limited growth is due to a lack of comparative advantage, the lack of credit availability and a high interest rate. Despite inflation being well below double digits, interest rates are as high as 15 to 18 per cent on loans! This is too high to keep the present economy afloat, let alone raise it to a maintainable level of growth. 14) There is also a lack of confidence in the government by the private sector. How can a government that cannot even handle domestic peace issues be expected to turn around an economy that is in the throes of a downward spiral? Therefore the private sector has been occupied in short-term trading and currency speculations which do nothing for growth or the welfare of the state. 15) An obvious result of this situation is that the disparity between the rich and the poor has grown. The share of the poorest 20 per cent of households has fallen to 7 per cent while the richest 20 per cent are receiving over 45 per cent. The low rate of economic growth and the high rate of inflation over the last few years have left the poor with no buying power resulting in almost a third of the population living below the poverty line. There is also anger amongst the poor about the fact that the incidence of increased taxation has been heaviest for them; expenditures on services for them have declined. Social tensions are rising with the growth of the absolute number of poor, illiterate and jobless, as employment opportunities and wages decline due to the stagnating economy. Such conditions are hardly conducive to political and social stability, without which growth will remain a distant dream. On top of all of this, Pakistan is plagued by the curse of the IMF and World Bank. Constant defects in the current account of the balance of payments and depleting foreign exchange reserves is causing the extension of credit to become an exercise in haggling and bargaining. Each time there are negotiations along with a string of conditions attached to the loan. The release of credit is then delayed until each and every condition of the IMF has been met. The only way that Pakistan can now secure loans and vital extensions on its debt is to institute the Structural Adjustment Programs that have been drawn up by IMF economists. The problem is that the benefit of these programs is questionable. Most countries have suffered immensely from them. Instead of improving the economy, these programs have been destroying them. Unfortunately, like other countries that have yielded to the them, Pakistan is virtually being taken over by the IMF, along with the World Bank.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Arctic Tundra

The Arctic Tundra LocationThe Tundra is located in the northern regions of North America, Europe, Asia, as well as a few regions of Antarctica. The Tundra is the second largest vegetation zone in Canada. It can be divided clearly into three different sections: the High Arctic Tundra, the Low Arctic Tundra and the Alpine Tundra. The latter Alpine Tundra occurs in higher altitudes such as mountains whereas the first two are mainly based in plains and lowlands of some kind. The Low Arctic Tundra is the transmission point to the north. It is located above Canada's Boreal forests and is followed by the High Arctic Tundra. The High Arctic Tundra is located farther north and encompasses the Arctic circle as well as most of the western Northwest Territories. Generally though since climate more or less corresponds to vegetation zones, the Tundra is located in Arctic climate areas.TemperatureThe Tundra suffers a very harsh climate.Photo of tundra vegetation on Alaska's coastal pla...Because of this fact most of the area remains barren save for a few shrubs and lichens. It's winters last from 8-10 months and the summers are cool and short. Also due to the fact that much of it's territory is located within the northern pole a lot of the Tundra receives alternating 6 month periods of light and dark. This is also the reason why the Tundra receives cold weather; at it's degree of latitude the suns rays end up hitting the region obliquely, thus causing less solar heat. Here are the temperatures of the Tundra in general:Average January temperature: -32.1 degrees CelsiusAverage July temperature: +4.1 degrees CelsiusTemperature range: 36.2 degrees CelsiusAverage annual temperature: -17 degrees CelsiusLowest temperature recorded: -52.5 degrees CelsiusHighest temperature recorded: +18.3 degrees CelsiusAfter seeing these temperatures you can see the reason why...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Complete Study Guide SAT US History Subject Test

Complete Study Guide SAT US History Subject Test SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Alexander Hamilton, Lucretia Mott, Frederick Douglass, and Rosa Parks- these are a few of the important historical figures you might encounter on the SAT US History Subject Test. This complete study guide will tell you everything you need to know for SAT US History, how you can prepare, and where to find the best practice questions to start prepping. To help you find the exact info on the US History Subject Test that you're looking for, here's a table of contents so you can easily jump to the section you want: Format of US History Subject Test Types of Questions on US History Subject Test Concepts Tested on US History Subject Test Where to Find Practice Questions and Tests How to Study for the US History Subject Test Test-Taking Tips When to Take the US History Subject Test What Is the Format of the US History Subject Test? Like all Subject Tests, SAT US History is 60 minutes. Within that hour, it asks you 90 multiple-choice questions. Clearly, you'll have to develop your skills in answering questions quickly and efficiently! There are five answer choices per question, and the questions generally fall into three main types. What Types of Questions Are On the Test? The three main types of questions on the SAT US History are Recall questions, Analysis questions, and Using Data questions. Recall Questions Recall questions are relatively straightforward. They test your knowledge of specific facts, terms, and concepts. The following is a typical example of a "recall" question: One purpose of the Marshall Plan of 1948 was to A) rebuild European economies to make communism less appealing. B) aid the depressed agricultural economies of Latin American nations. C) aid communist nations that would agree to embrace democracy. D) give military aid to those nations resisting communist subversion. E) help the peoples of Asia establish heavy industries. This question doesn't ask you to analyze or use data- either you have knowledge about the Marshall Plan of 1948 or you're out of luck (though you might be able to use the year, 1948, to make an educated guess). The correct answer is A) rebuild European economies. Analysis Questions Analysis questions also require your knowledge of a time period, important figures, or notable events, but they go one step further by asking you to apply that knowledge to analyze or interpret presented information, such as a quotation, map, graph, or cartoon. For instance, the following question gives a quote from the 1840's and asks you what idea it expresses, rather than simply asking for a description of the idea itself. "If the Creator had separated Texas from the Union by mountain barriers, the Alps or the Andes, there might be plausible objections; but He has planned down the whole [Mississippi] Valley including Texas, and united every atom of the soil and every drop of the water of the mighty whole. He has linked their rivers with the great Mississippi, and marked and united the whole for the dominion of one government, the residence of one people." This quotation from the 1840s can be viewed as an expression of A) The New Nationalism B) popular sovereignty C) Manifest Destiny D) the Good Neighbor policy E) the frontier thesis You can see how this question requires you to interpret a quotation and place it in context of a historical trend. The correct answer for this (wildly outdated) quotation is C) Manifest Destiny. Using Data Questions The third type of question asks you to relate given data to history or to evaluate it. Data can be anything from a chart to a graph to a picture, like this famous image: Rosie the Riveter is, of course, referring to A) the contribution of women to the defense industry. Answering these recall, analysis, and data questions on the SAT US History calls upon the following skills. Anticipated Skills on the SAT US History These anticipated skills go along with the three types of questions. They are Historical concepts, cause-effect relationships, geography, and other data that you need for understanding major historical developments Concepts of historical analysis Ability to use knowledge to interpret data in maps, graphs, charts, and cartoons You can probably see how these skills will be applied to recall, analysis, and using data questions. Now that you're familiar with the types of questions you'll see and the skills you need to answer them, what about the content on the test? Just how much US history do you need to know? What Does the US History Test Cover? The US History Subject Test ranges over several hundred years, from pre-Columbian history to the American Revolution to the Industrial Revolution to the present. Most of the focus is on the years after 1790, though there is a small portion that has to do with earlier history. The exam includes political, economic, social, and cultural history, as well as foreign policy. Political and social history are emphasized more than the others. The College Board gives the following breakdown of material and time periods: Political history 31–35% Economic history 13–17% Social history 20–24% Intellectual and cultural history 13–17% Foreign policy 13–17% Periods % of Test Pre-Columbian history to 1789 20% 1790 to 1898 40% 1899 to the present 40% US History Subject Test Prep Materials Now that you're familiar with the content and format of the test, let's talk about where you can find high-quality practice questions. Then we'll discuss the best ways to study effectively and strategies for succeeding on the test. Test Prep Books Official practice questions are always the gold standard when it comes to books for SAT test prep, so you can immediately look to the College Board. Their book includes two previously administered full-length practice tests, along with detailed answer explanations. While this book is a good review, it's definitely not a replacement for staying focused throughout US History class. You'll need a solid foundation of historical knowledge in order to use this book effectively. Books that offer a more detailed review of US History are Barron's and Princeton Review. Barron's has three full-length tests and a diagnostic test at the beginning to gauge your starting point. Its 40 or so chapters are divided by historical era. Two cons about Barron's: it gives so much information that you might be studying needless facts and figures, and a lot of students say its questions are unnecessarily complex. Since you probably don't have a ton of time for Subject Test prep, you want to make sure you're getting the best results from your study time. Princeton Review also gives a solid comprehensive overview, along with two full-length SAT US History practice tests in the book and an additional one online. It's a good resource in conjunction with your history class- just watch out for any questions that seem outdated. Starting out with official practice questions might help you develop your eye for this. Kaplan is another option, but it's not your best resource. A lot of the questions are just too easy, so you'll probably get an unrealistic idea of your score from using its practice tests. I would recommend Kaplan the least for truly preparing for the US History Subject Test. Finally, if you're taking AP US History around the same time as the SAT US History, you might want to check out No Bull Review: For Use with the AP US History Exam and SAT Subject Test. Keep in mind this book is not specific to the SAT Subject Test, but offers you strategies for combining your test prep, along with a review of history that will show up on both tests. To sum up, if you're studying with books, check out College Board first, then Barron's and/or Princeton Review. Kaplan is not that helpful. For those of you also taking AP US History, No Bull Review can be a good supplemental resource. What about online practice questions? Online Practice Questions Again, your first go-to should be College Board. Here it has 29 official practice questions and answer explanations. It also gives you some more practice questions and general advice in this PDF, though you'll have to self-correct and self-score them. This site,, has 34 decent practice questions. They are a good, quick review that you can do and see them scored automatically. Another site with a lot of online practice questions can be found here. It also has some helpful PDF downloads with key term glossaries and general review study guides. Finally, you can check out US history practice questions at Varsity Tutors which consists of several diagnostic tests for the US History Subject Test. Study Tips and Techniques for the US History Subject Test Whether you're using test prep books, online practice questions, or a combination, you want to make sure you're studying in the way that's most effective for you and your learning style. The following are some study techniques that will help you be truly ready for the SAT US History. #1: Keep Up in Class SAT US History covers a huge time period. It requires knowledge that spans several hundred years, and this knowledge takes time to learn, an entire year or more of studying US history in class. Keeping up in class is essential to building a strong foundation of knowledge, as well as the skills of analysis and data interpretation that will be called upon in the Subject Test. One way to keep yourself accountable would be to get an SAT US History test prep book in the beginning of the year, and use it for review as you go along through the course. This way you can reinforce the information and ensure that you can recall or apply it when answering Subject Test practice questions. Gradual review over the year will be hugely helpful, and then you can do some more focused studying a couple months before the test, and really ramp up your studying two to three weeks before. #2: Befriend the Practice Test Practice tests are the best way to get ready. They don't just help keep you sharp and able to recall content and apply your skills, but they'll also help you develop your time management and pacing. Remember, the test asks 90 questions in only 60 minutes! The Subject Tests don't change a huge deal from year to year, so any and all practice questions you can find will be helpful in some way (keeping in mind the recommendations I gave above). There's a huge difference between passive studying and active test-taking. Taking practice tests will put your knowledge into action, as well as help you gauge your progress and identify which areas you need to focus more on. #3: Score Your Practice Tests Make sure to score your tests and understand the answer explanations. If you make a mistake or don't know a question, you should write that one down in a notebook so you can go back to it and fill in the gaps in your knowledge. By periodically checking in throughout the year with SAT US History practice tests, you can gauge your progress and see your improvement over the year. Then you can really ramp it up in the weeks before the test. #4: Analyze Your Wrong Answers To repeat the point, you don't want to just score your test and move on. This score is a signal to you and what you know and what you need to learn. You should figure out why you missed the question. Was it lack of knowledge, a wrong guess, or carelessness? If the first, you should brush up on your understanding. Reread that section of history and take notes on it. If the second, work on refining your process of elimination skills. If you find yourself overly rationalizing or justifying an answer, it's probably a "distractor"- there's only one 100% correct answer choice. Figure out what was distracting you and get to the core of what the answer choices are communicating. Finally, if the error was due to carelessness, continued practicing will help you improve your ability to read and comprehend a question and answer it quickly and efficiently. That's why timing yourself is such a good idea when taking practice tests. Which leads me to my next suggestion... #5: Simulate Testing Conditions Practice tests will give you the best "real test" experience if you simulate the testing conditions you'll encounter on test day. Give yourself exactly 60 minutes, no more, no less, and sit in a quiet space with few distractions. After all your studying, you want to make sure you'll be able to get to all the questions and answer them thoroughly in the hour you'll be given. Apart from practice tests and class materials, are there any other approaches you can take to learning the material? #6: Get Creative In Your Studying History involves a ton of reading and note-taking. If you find yourself feeling disengaged, you might want to try other approaches to make history come to life and engage with it in ways that are interesting to you. Reading aloud or watching documentaries, like on American Experience, could be a good way to supplement your understanding throughout the year. Of course, these shouldn't be your main focus in the weeks leading up to the test, but try to find creative ways that will keep you interested in the people, places, and events of American history. Test-Taking Strategies for the US History Subject Test Beyond these study techniques, let's talk about some other important strategies you need to know to master the US History Subject Test. #1: Note the Chronological Order of Questions Questions on the US History Subject Test are grouped into 8 to 12 questions that go in chronological order. When a new grouping starts, you'll see a sharp change in the time period. Understanding the time frame will help you comprehend the question, so pay attention to these groupings to make sure your head is in the right era. #2: Use Process of Elimination The US History SAT Subject Test deducts 1/4 of a point for every wrong answer, so you want to be strategic in how you answer the questions. If you can eliminate even one answer as incorrect, then I would recommend making your best educated guess. Even if your mind goes blank after reading a question, you can generally apply your knowledge to eliminate wrong answers. While they are designed to all sound plausible, keep a sharp eye and look for "distractors" or answer choices that are irrelevant to the time period or content at hand. #3: Take Time to Comprehend the Question On a similar note, you want to make sure you really comprehend what the question is asking. Look for key words like EXCEPT or NOT, as well as superlatives like best, worst, all, none, always, or never. As you get better with time management, you'll be able to quickly get to the root of a question and its accompanying answer choices. Finally, now that you know where to find practice materials, how to use them, and these test-taking strategies, when exactly should you take the US History Subject Test? When to Take the US History Subject Test The SAT US History Subject test is offered in August, October, November, December, May, and June, and the College Board recommends that you have at least a year of a college prep US History class before taking the exam. If you're taking AP US History, then you should be well prepared to take the test at the end of the year, and can combine your studying for both the AP test and the SAT. However, you can definitely do well even if you haven't taken AP. It's best to take the test at the end of the school year. Remember, you can't take the Subject Tests on the same day as the SAT, but you can take up to three Subject Tests on one test date. My recommendation for US History would be the June test date. You can read more about out other considerations for when to take the SAT Subject Tests and the full list of test dates here. By keeping up in class, identifying and filling in your knowledge gaps, and prepping with practice questions, you'll be well prepared to conquer the US History Subject Test. What's Next? What's a good score for an SAT Subject Test? Actually, that depends on the Subject Test. Read about the good scores for each one here, along with what you need to know to get ahead of the curve. Want to learn more about specific US History topics? We have discussions of Ida Lewis, the Platt Amendment, checks and balances, and how the executive branch checks the judicial branch. For some quirkier topics, check out our articles about the histories of the 3-hole punch and hip hop and the story of the Loomis Fargo heist. Are you also prepping for the SAT? Use these free official SAT practice tests as you get ready for the test. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Current issues in management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Current issues in management - Term Paper Example Planning consists of the preparatory evaluations of strategic intentions that determine how best to structure the organization and its internal processes to meet a particular strategic goal. Planning allows the manager to observe the entire internal and external environment, look for strengths and weaknesses of human capital and tangible capital availability, and then develop an appropriate operational plan or strategic plan that will bring the business closer to achieving the long-term goals for increased market share among competition. Why is planning one of the most critical management roles? Many organizations that provide products and services rely on innovations to ensure adequate revenue production. If an organization wishes to be a first-mover to launch a product, thereby outperforming competitive ingenuities, the manager must determine how to coordinate internal tangible and human-based resources to achieve first-to-market success. This requires synchronizing activities betw een research and development teams, production systems, support and technology systems, the marketing division, and procurement (Nickels, et al., 2008). At the same time, one of the fundamental differentiation tactics used by businesses to maintain competitive advantage is to establish a positive brand reputation and brand personality to gain market demand and build long-term loyalty toward the product or service brand. Without the inter-dependencies and knowledge transfer between expert systems and tacit knowledge holders in all of these divisions, first-to-market objectives and brand-building cannot occur effectively. Planning is a critical dimension in establishing a positive and respected brand that is considered relevant and vital to many consumer target markets. Consumers maintain many diverse lifestyle characteristics, attitudes, beliefs and principles that will determine how they connect with a product or service brand and ultimately make their purchasing decisions against t hese criteria. A company can coordinate internal activities to sustain first-mover advantage, however if the product or brand is not promoted properly or provides the proper incentive for purchasing it will have a limited life cycle on the market before reaching the decline stage, one where inventory control, cash management, and obsolescence costs skyrocket (Dooley, 2005). Thus, it becomes an imperative that proper planning is conducted regarding external consumer preferences and characteristics so that the internal dynamics of the organization can be coordinated to provide an effective branded offering. Without this planning occurring, there will be little fundamental knowledge of what is driving purchasing behavior of target consumers and thus the product innovation will be a marketing and sales failure (Boone & Kurtz, 2007). Managers must be proactive in planning to assess the internal and external market in order to create a valuable brand reputation. It is the most important e lement of management design since it establishes the foundation of knowledge that can be transformed into relevant product offerings in the business marketplace. Statement of Principles Kalyanaram & Gurumurthy (2008) reinforce that the majority of consumers are risk averse. They will often embrace the product or se